First cook


Graham Timson

New member
Well on Sunday I fired up the new WSM, and commenced my first smoke. I had a 6lb Brisket on the lower grate and 6lb Butt on the top. The vents were fully open and the charcoal grate I half filled with Weber BBQ heat beads. The water pan was 80% full but I forgot to foil it though, UGGHH!!

I used the minion method to start things off and a chimney to light up about 25 brix. The temp went straight to 250 so I closed all vents to 25% and then 2 hours later the temp was 180 and dropping. A closer look at the charcoal indicated it might be going off and had been unevenly burning. Panic set in, the wife, who never thought this was a good idea, in the first place started giving me those kinda looks that wives do. However another 30 brix in the chimney then into the charcoal grate and up went the temp to 250, this time I held it longer before turning the vents down 50% then, when no drop off occurred finally to 25% again.

This time the temp held for the duration of the cook in all 10 hours. The result was a superb Brisket slightly overcooked but very moist and likewise a very moist Pork butt, internal temp was 180 just about cooked. My wife and I loved the Brisket; however she thought the Butt tasted a bit too piggy, I’m not quite sure what she expected, perhaps we have just become accustomed to bland supermarket cuts of meat.

Generally, I was quite pleased with the results and am looking forward to trying again maybe with some ribs. Cleaning up afterward was a pain having not foiled the pan, which was virtually empty of water but full of crusty and gooy fat by the time I finished.

Some questions for you guys

1/ If a charcoal grate burns unevenly is it due to the wind, on this cook out I did not notice there was any to be honest? Should I try and address this by turning the WSM round, or adjust the three vents independently.

2/ Are Weber BBQ beads worth the money, in the UK we do not have a lot of choice other than supermarket brands. I have never seen the brands mentioned here like Rancher.

3/ When cleaning up does everyone clean the food grates in the washing up bowl like any kitchen item. The reason I ask is because with my Weber one touch kettle I leave it until next time then burn particles away. I’m not sure the temp would be high enough in WSM to do this safely?

My thanks in advance for anyone that takes the trouble to read this post, and answer any of my questions.
It's generally not recommended you foil the top of the pan when using water in case any gets under the foil, it can boil out from under the foil and over the sides of the pan.

1) How much unlit did you have in the ring when you started with the minion method? I'd load up the ring and shape a bowl in the middle of them to dump the hot coals in.

2) Not sure, we don't have them in the US.

3) I usually soak mine in detergent and hot water then scrub them. Some people soak them in degreaser, others will put them on their kettle to burn them off.
"1) How much unlit did you have in the ring when you started with the minion method? I'd load up the ring and shape a bowl in the middle of them to dump the hot coals in."

I filled the charcoal grate up to about 2/3 but did not make a well in the centre of the charcoal, the more I think about this the more I believe that is why it went down to quick and maybe thats why it buned unevenly
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> I filled the charcoal grate up to about 2/3 but did not make a well in the centre of the charcoal, the more I think about this the more I believe that is why it went down to quick and maybe thats why it buned unevenly

The well/bowl shape might be more efficient but is not necessary. I would look at other factors such as vent settings: was top vent open 100% all the time, were the bottom ones open 100% initially to bring temp up? Were your briquettes good and dry? On the initial 25 lit briquettes, were they completely lit and ash covered before dumping? Also when did you add the meat; right after lighting or after your temps were up to 250? If you added your meat (and those are 2 big pieces of chilled meat)after temps hit 250, then yes, your temps should drop down. Had they been dropping all along or not for a couple of hours? Uneven burning may be caused by wind, vent settings, or general condition of briquettes. Try another cook this weekend, go with just one cut of meat to make things easier. I'd recommend reading through the MM just to make sure you're doing everything right. Write in if you need help, there's always someone online even with the time difference. Oh, and welcome to the board!

