First CI waffle iron, first waffles!



TVWBB Super Fan
Got this little beauty all cleaned up. *When I bought it, it was painted, gunked, and rusted up. *First waffle cook this morning, came out great! *Used spray Pam so they didn't stick and just made the waffle batter with bisquik, egg, milk, and oil. *

*Even my 9 month old daughter had some. *The wife had seconds. *I am hooked! *If you don't have a CI waffle iron take the plunge :D





Thanks fer lookin
You did an excellent restoration on that iron. Griswold small block, I'm envious. Did you use electrolysis to clean? What did you use for the first seasoning? Did I say I'm envious? Oh yeah, the waffles look good too. :)
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone! I am definitely getting hooked on cast iron.

Scotty--- I don't have an electrolysis setup(yet), so I used the spray heavy duty oven cleaner and set in a plastic trash bag for 2-3 days. Then scrubbed with 0000 steel wool and then back in the bag with another round of oven cleaner. After two rounds the paint and gunk were gone, but then I had to deal with rust. Set it in a tub with 50/50 vinegar/water solution for 1-2 hours and then steel wooled and washed on hot water and dawn dish soap. Then hand dried immediately and then in a 200 deg oven for 15 minutes to completely dry. Then I cranked the oven up to 450. Once it hit 450 I pulled the pieces out and lightl oiled then with canola oil. Then turned it down to 350 and let it season for an hour then turned off the heat but left it in to cool. That was it.

The trick is to use spray Pam before cooking each waffle on both sides of the waffle maker. I had no issues with sticking. If anyone wants tips when cooking on the CI waffle irons feel free to message me. The process i used was simple and worked well!
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone! I am definitely getting hooked on cast iron.

Scotty--- I don't have an electrolysis setup(yet), so I used the spray heavy duty oven cleaner and set in a plastic trash bag for 2-3 days. Then scrubbed with 0000 steel wool and then back in the bag with another round of oven cleaner. After two rounds the paint and gunk were gone, but then I had to deal with rust. Set it in a tub with 50/50 vinegar/water solution for 1-2 hours and then steel wooled and washed on hot water and dawn dish soap. Then hand dried immediately and then in a 200 deg oven for 15 minutes to completely dry. Then I cranked the oven up to 450. Once it hit 450 I pulled the pieces out and lightl oiled then with canola oil. Then turned it down to 350 and let it season for an hour then turned off the heat but left it in to cool. That was it.

The trick is to use spray Pam before cooking each waffle on both sides of the waffle maker. I had no issues with sticking. If anyone wants tips when cooking on the CI waffle irons feel free to message me. The process i used was simple and worked well!


Well, evidently the way you cleaned and seasoned worked really well. I don't own a waffle iron but have seen several and yours is the best looking. I've been cooking with CI for a long time and really enjoy the way it heats evenly and, if seasoned properly, is almost as non -stick as a new skillet. Would like to see more pics of cooking with CI, especially old pieces, on this forum. Have a great New Year.

