First Brisket Help 165


Edmund Caro

I put a brisket on around 1:30 in the morning. I basted it at the 6 hr mark which was 7:30, and then came back to baste it at the 10:30 mark. I did my first temp check at this point and I used a chef thermometer that you would see a restaurant chef carry in his sleeve. I tested it in several areas and it was running around 165-172. At this point, I decided to foil it. a I put my meat probe in and wrapped it in foil but the meat probe had a reading of 154. Do you think I foiled too soon? I plan on taking the foil off around the 185 mark and continue to cook it to 195. Will I be okay????
Cook it until it's fork tender.

Brisket temps can be all over the place. I don't use a therm to determine when to pull briskets or butts. I pull them when they "feel" right.

You didn't foil too early IMO.

Keep an eye on how tender the brisket feels. When your temp probe slides in without resistance, it's done.

Good luck.
I agree with what Craig said. Only thing is if you are planning on holding the brisket for an extended period of time before serving, I wouldn't wait until the probe goes in with NO resistance, otherwise it could get overly tender and won't slice without falling apart. If you're planning on eating right away then this will work perfect, otherwise pull it when the probe goes in easy but feels like its going in with just ever such resistance. Then during the hold it wil get to the "butter" consistency you want for the finished product.

