First Boston butts on WSM.



TVWBB Member
With the help of this site, again, and in spite of the moment of worry due to user error, I managed to successfully smoke two 6-pound Boston butts. I am very pleased with the results. They tore apart with a single fork.
I even managed a chicken on the OTG which I gave to my neighbors.
I maintained 250F pretty much throughout, it was 19F when I started at 6:30 am and the temp rose to 24F by the time I put the butts on. Temps did not rise above 38 yesterday. I did put about 10 more coals in the smoker after I wrapped the butts because they were sitting at 178 for a good hour. I found 10 coals was a bit much and I had to close everything up to get it to drop back down to 250. All in all, it worked out very well.

I've done butts before on my offset stick burner, but it was laborious having to constantly refuel. The temps would be all over the place and I never really had a good time using it as a smoker. This WSM is proving to be less needy.



Nicely done! Brava!

BTW... I read your interview on HBT. You're a celebrity now! LOL What Homebrew did you serve along side?
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Nicely done! Brava!

BTW... I read your interview on HBT. You're a celebrity now! LOL What Homebrew did you serve along side?
haha :eek: I had a mosaic SMaSH IPA with dinner alongside some others that were shared with my friend. I did two butts, one for her family and one for me and any willing takers who wanted to come get a plate.
Looks like you are a professional from my vantage point.
I fake it. :D But thank you. This site is absolutely the reason I was willing to get a WSM. It is daunting in a way and my family said that they believed it took more skill to smoke with one of these. Maybe it does, but this site just helps so much to bring good food to my belly.
VERY nice job, indeed! That's about as good as it gets. After you get the smoker gunked up a bit, you'll find it very easy to maintain temps.

I do butts and ribs at 275 degrees, as a possible matter of interest. I get the same results as running it at lower temps and it takes less time. Typical 8.0 lb. butts normally take 8.o-9.0 hours.

Keep on smokin',
Nicely done! Brava!

BTW... I read your interview on HBT. You're a celebrity now! LOL What Homebrew did you serve along side?

Is HBT HomeBrewTalk? I frequent their sister site - WMT (Wine Making Talk).

Nice looking butts, Jessica!

