Fatties ????


Jay Lopa

What is a fattie and how do you cook them
I think a fattie is a nick name for a Pork butt. There are recipies all over the site.

I usually cook mine at 225 to 250 and to an internal temp of 165 or 190 depending on if I am slicing it or pulling it.
The fattie rocks, especially when the jackals are a couple of beers in and are having a hard time understanding that the rest of the carcass on the grill needs another 3 hours.
I smoke 'em whole, then chill in the freezer for about an hour. The semi-frozen log can be easily sliced into 1/4" rounds. I vac-seal a half dozen rounds per pack for later use.

They brown nicely in a fry pan, but my favorite use is with this great invention.

Fatties are simply a smoked roll of breakfast sausage, the one you'd slice up for sausage patties. They're usually one pound though I've seem 'em larger. I use the Jimmy Dean brand - almost always the maple flavor - spray them with apple juice, dust with Blues Hog rub, and drop them on the WSM until they're 180 to 190 degrees internal temp. I use them as a taste-of-things-to-come while waiting for the ribs or butts to come off the smoker. Sure crowd pleaser. Almost certainly no leftovers.


I like my fatties stuffed, onions, garlic, roasted red bell peppers, chipotles in adobo, and smoked string cheese.

When their done, I like 'em sliced with an over medium fried egg on top for breakfast. Or a slice on a biscuit. Ron L cooked biscuits at a comp and we had fattie sammiches for breakfast. MMMmmm.
The best way to use a fattie.

Put a small pan under the fattie as it smokes to catch the grease. Then put the grease (or substitute bacon grease) in a fry pan with some flour. Simmer it a while to cook the flour. Add milk. Stir it as it thickens. Dump in the crumbled up fattie. Finish simmering it 'til it's nice and thick. Spoon it out over fresh biscuits.

In short make sausage gravy and biscuits with it.

Wow! What a great idea! I'm trying that next time I do a fattie. My FIL loves biscuts and gravey and the fatties I've made in the past. This'll be perfect!


I used to smoke to around 180*, but have since discovered that they are waaay more tasty when smoked to 160*-165*.

The easiest is to simply take the wrapper of the sausage and put it in the smoker. When you want something a little more special, butterfly the sausage roll (before smoking), layer with any variety of ingredients (pepperoni, cheese, peppers, etc.), roll it back up, seal the seams and ends, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, THEN put on the smoker...Yeah, Baby...GOOD EATIN'!

