Easiest way yet to add a middle grate


Rick Rockwell

TVWBB Member
No hardware mods required. I just cut three blocks of wood the height I want and rest them on the outer edges of the lower grate. The middle grate rests on the blocks. I have a collection of blocks of various heights, so can easily position the grate anywhere I like. The blocks do not burn but do get black and grungy with use. just make new ones when the gross factor gets too high. I think the ones I'm using are a year old, so its not a big deal. I have used this technique to create up to four levels in an 18 inch WSM including one level above the main grate.
Yep great idea Rick.
I would think you're using a hardwood block compared to a softwood like SPF which has some sap which when warmed can drip on to you're food?.:)

I've done similar but I use empty soda/beer cans. No need to worry about the mess, as they can still be recycled, and there's always a few in the recycle bin on friday night since pick up is monday morning!

