does your spouse laugh at you?


Sparky Rowe

TVWBB Super Fan
after seeing the shining the grill thread i had to post this.

welp, its saturday morning about 8 am. its 35° outside on the back patio. the suns out but still cold. been outside since 6:30. my wife comes out and starts laughing at me.

mrs spark: whats ya doing dear?

me: nothing, just polishing my grills.

mrs spark: (more laughing) why?

me: because they cook better when they are shining.

mrs spark: ya know. theres a F150 out front that could use a bath also.

me: but dear, its going to rain tomorrow and i wouldn't want to deprive the weather of doing a fine job of getting the dirt off of bob (my trucks name it bob. its not wierd).

so, i continued.

i was using simple green and some purple stuff. works good.


vacuumed everyone out, scrubbed the grates real good. and now look at these lovely ladies.


shiney maidens all in a row.





heres a good tip for your new pellet ppl. use a old jar inside your grease bucket. save the lid.


put alum foil around it to hold it in place.


when the jar is full replace lid and throw away. slick huh.


clean grills are happy grills.
Hahahahahhaaaaa lol that is some funny stuff !!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, love the nice clean grills. Good job.

My wife used to support my habit as it meant many meals that she didn't have to prepare . . . but that was before the number of Hasty Bakes in my collection got into the teens!! I believe the last one she knew about was number seven or eight . . . :rolleyes:

She wasn't too pleased when I bought my used WSM, and I certainly won't be confessing the amount of time and money I put into all the mods!! ;)
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Well...Emilie(wife) was a bit :confused: @ the start of all this. But now she cleans em if we are up for a party.(cleans might be the wrong word..But she wipe em off). For sum reasson ppl stop on my patio to inspect my grills. :confused: We(read I ) Do a Deep clean once a year. I dont need em Sparkling every day...But i sure like em that way!
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She wasn't too pleased when I bought my used WSM, and I certainly won't be confessing the amount of time and money I put into all the mods!! ;)[/QUOTE]

Hahaha You and I both.......... =)
That's a collection of cookers a man can be proud of! I feel the same way about my pickup....
let Mother Nature wash it.:cool:
I don't think my grills & smokers have ever been that clean.

As for the wife, this was her birthday present to me this year... so yea, she's as crazy as I am.


lookin great. i'm in the process of cleaning my ga and the mini smoker after using them sunday. i like 'em clean. well, maybe not that clean !
wife just shakes her head. i told her once that it was a cheap hobby as opposed to other hobbies such as drinkin and foolin around.
Mine doesn't say too much as I cook 4 or 5 nights a week sometimes more. I am wondering if all the bark off of this and that I cook is going to cause me more problems than when I smoked. Oh well, gonna die happy and fat!
Mine laughs when I start taking pictures, which is when I take the meat out of the fridge. She says, "you Weber guys are crazy".:confused: I showed her the thread of everyone's picture of their grills, and she only looked at me and said, "I think 4 is enough":p.......hehehehehehe (that's me laughing):wsm:..............................d

