Day off brisket point


Cee El

TVWBB Super Fan
Good evening!

So after a semi-rough last work rotation , I knew that I needed to really enjoy my time off before I go back to work. I had a 2 lb brisket point in the freezer, and I decided to just let the smoke roll, man.
I seasoned her with Weber's Smoking Rub and garlic pepper, and used a KBB snake started with 6 instant light briquettes with Apple and Sugar Maple for smoke. I did something I've never done, which was put the meat on semi-frozen. The snake kept the temps between 200-230 degrees through the cook, all vents wide open. Here's a close up:
I also injected it after it was on about 3 hours, when it looked like this:
Beef broth, Dijon mustard, and Greek seasoning with a dime store injector.
I foiled towards the end for about 2 hours and took a nap. Woke up and the temperature was 195 in the middle. The whole cook took 7 hrs, I guess. Low temperatures and I didn't really bother the grill or the meat. The results were very good, moist and tender. All 3 children asked for some, which is rare. Even my middle child asked for seconds, and she only likes hot dogs and chocolate. Here it is sliced and plated with fries and sauce:

Take care.
Beautiful smoke ring! I'll have a plate!

That looks great!

That worked out well, nice cook.

Great pic and I'll take a plate of food now. Awesome cook.

Nice job on the briskie. Hope this week is better for you.

It looks good, nice smoke ring. I hope work is better for you next rotation.

Thanks everyone for the kind words and well wishes!
I love brisket. We've never cooked the point end alone. In fact I've never seen it for sale up here. But wow does it look good. Great cook!!
That is a great looking point! Although I would have been tempted to do burnt ends.

Where did you get just a Brisket point?
That is a great looking point! Although I would have been tempted to do burnt ends.

Where did you get just a Brisket point?

A grocery store here called Save-A-Lot had them. I've only had full packers before, but they're so expensive I hardly buy them. Thanks for the compliment.
You got the point! Nice cook. Like others have mentioned, I've never seen a brisket point for sale around here.

