Costco prime brisket - Overnight L&S


Monty House

Tried my first Costco prime ($2.99/lb!), and it turned out well. A monster... 17 lbs. plus. I typically do butcher paper cooks for briskets but decided to go old school given its size. (I've had uneven cooks using BP approach with 14+ lb. cooks.) 12.5 hours for about a 15 lb. trimmed weight. 235 grill temp; around 200 at lid with full water pan. Minion method with full ring plus oak. Montreal rub. Made sandwiches with pot of ranch beans (including smoked pork rind--from a recent bacon, smoked flap meat and salt pork). The beans were legit.

Brisket wasn't oozing liquid like an Aaron Franklin promo shot, but flat was tender while passing tug test and point was like butter. Would love to make BE's with one of these primes. The point is REALLY marbled. Probed tender with temps between 195-200 throughout the flat.

Served with modified #5, horseradish sauce, pickles, jalapenos, cheddar cheese slices and white onion, plus toasted onion buns. No one complained.

Trimmed and rubbed with Montreal steak seasoning

Beans getting happy

Arched the big brisket with a box cheese grater (which had been liberally sprayed with Pam!)

12.5 hours - pull time



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I love low and slow. It's all I do. Yours looks tremendous Monty. That bark is a thing of beauty. I'd fall over if our Costco ever stocked those.
Did you do anything to it besides give it the rub and throw it on?

Last L&S Brisket that I made was pretty good - I used a Beer Mop (IIRC from Smoke & Spice) several times during the cook, in order to keep it from drying-out.
Brisket is something that I want to get better at, and with what they cost - learning from other peoples successes (and failures) helps me too.

(I like the trick of propping it up in the middle to bow it - sometimes I wish that I had the bigger WSM for stuff like monster brisket and spares, but most of the time, I really like my 18.)
Costco's Prime Brisket prices are INCREDIBLE!
one of these weekends, i'm gonna get one and smoke it up...
ain't got room in the freezer for one, or it'd be in there already!

Monty, yours looks GREAT! Thank you for the details of your cook, also!
Did you do anything to it besides give it the rub and throw it on?

Last L&S Brisket that I made was pretty good - I used a Beer Mop (IIRC from Smoke & Spice) several times during the cook, in order to keep it from drying-out.

I did not. Trimmed it and applied Montreal steak seasoning. That's it. I've never mopped. Maybe it's reading too many "scientific" articles over at Meathead's, but I'm not convinced it helps keep the meat--at least inside--any moister than not mopping. I do think mopping can help the color and preventing too thick of a bark (is that even a real thing??). To each their own; YMMV. I had the son of a very famous pitmaster tell me to place all my briskets fat side up, because the "fat oozes into the meat." Nope, I don't buy it. Again, YMMV.

One thing about this one that I liked less than my butcher paper approach is not having a nice tacky bark. I get the best sticky, tacky, mahogany-ish barks with BP--love those! Not so much this one.

Anyhow, going back to L&S was fun. And, given I'm a little longer in the tooth (overnight cook-wise), I slept for 4.5 hours before checking the WSM. Used to be 1.5 hours max. Like checking on your first born in the nursery to ensure they're still breathing. By child #2, you never seem to check!
Very nice brisket. Sammie looks guud. Would like to try one from Costco, but would have to drive 5 hrs to get to the closest one.

