cooks illustrated


Anthony Martino

TVWBB Member
I love my wife she knows when she something about grilling or BBQ to bring it home. The summer issue is a must to buy, I especially liked the smoked / seared pork chop recipe more so the way he skewed all 5 x 1-1/2" thick chops to save space on the grill. to long to describe here. check it out

I'm grilling their scallop recipe on Mother's Day. Their reviews are interesting. I ordered a wine opener they recommended and have been very pleased although my wife still can't figure out how to operate it. Fun mag.

Les Stubby
I have learned quite a bit from their publications...subscribed to the mag, bought a few books. Really helpful.
I got irritated one morning after their telemarketing arm kept calling me to buy more, and dummped the subscription.
I will after to look for the summer issue.
Fantastic information in these mags. Sometimes a little fussy, but I do appreciate that the grilling recipes all are done with the understanding that you are using charcoal. (There is a gas recipe as well)
Now if I only had a charcoal grill! (Birthday is coming up soon!!!)

