Cooking in the rain

I'm ready to jump back in after my grate foiling mistake. Got the ribs rubbed last night. Wanted to put them on around 11:00 this morning. Now I'm seeing the weather forecast. Heavy rain, turning colder then snow. Can I cook in the rain? Other than getting wet checking on the progress, I don't see any problems. Of course I didn't see any problem foiling the grates either. So instead of throwing out another $30.00 in meat I'm gonna ask you experts 1st. Cook today in heavy rain / snow or wait for better weather?
Why of course you can cook in the rain and snow.

Check out - Cooking in the Wind, Rain & Cold

How about a tent? Don Cash's "Camp Shower Wind Screen"
Well you can cook in the rain. Never really done that myself couse i have a roof over my cooking area. But heavy rain is worse then snow i guess.

I have smoked meat in the wsm below 0 f.

I bet the rain wont really hurt the cook. But never fun to do a smoke in the rain.

Ribs will be a rather short cook though depending on temp. I would recomend 250-275 for about 4 hours,insert a probe between the bones and look for the perfect resistance/texture.

Forget about the foiled grates now. Its history.

If i were you i would smoke those ribs!

Good luck! And i hope the weather is not to hard on ya.
Go for it. I cook in the rain and snow all teh time. One of the reasons my neighbours think I'm not that bright
Only thing you have to be concerned with is rain dripping in from the lid. But you can either invert the middle section, or put a patio umbrella over the WSM if it isn't too windy. Either way, cook away!
Don't worry about the rain unless its a driving sideways rain much like you would see towards the end of the world. I've cooked in the rain and in the snow and cold. Wind is the enemy.
As far as dripping water (which actually runs down the inside of the smoker), it will evaporate before it effects the heat source. Of course in a heavy rain you want some overhead protection. Use ean umbrella (the big ones you woud see on a picnic table). Although in wind they are not effective. I lost 2 of them and my wife is reluctant to buy another one because of my dumb ***.
I cook in the rain BUT I also built a smoke shed with a roof. Highly suggest it if you plan on cooking in the rain.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by mk evenson:
I cook in the rain BUT I also built a smoke shed with a roof. Highly suggest it if you plan on cooking in the rain.
Mark </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That Kitchen's a beauty.

I'm cooking in the rain today also.
Cooking in heavy rain is the only time I have had problems keeping the temps up in the WSM. I have cooked in some pretty cold temps this winter and over night cooks in the cold. Rain is the one thing that I feel is a killer. Gotta have the roof!
Now Mark has the right idea -- but I think the flaw may be that HE has to stand out in the rain.

I got lucky -- a part of the deck system of my house has a 3-tiered 8'x8' section to which I simply added a smoked poly "shed roof". It allows ME and the WSM to stay dry even if wind gets the grill wet.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by RichPB (richlife):
Now Mark has the right idea -- but I think the flaw may be that HE has to stand out in the rain.

I got lucky -- a part of the deck system of my house has a 3-tiered 8'x8' section to which I simply added a smoked poly "shed roof" under the top deck. It allows ME and the WSM to stay dry even if wind gets the grill wet.

Rich </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Rich, I really can cook without getting wet. I did so today. It's tight but do able. Unfortunately my space is limited. I have thought about an addition to the left, but I also want a Santa Maria in ground pit, oh well....

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by mk evenson:
Rich, I really can cook without getting wet. I did so today. It's tight but do able. Unfortunately my space is limited. I have thought about an addition to the left, but I also want a Santa Maria in ground pit, oh well....

Mark </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

So many projects, so many good choices.

Where to start, does it ever end, the options are just endless. Onward...

If cooking in the rain means outside with no cover and it's a hard rain, you're in for problems. Maybe it can be done, but it is difficult. I usually plan and wait for good weather, but I got caught in a hard rain once (everything was going fine) and the temp dropped like a rock and I couldn't get the temp back up with all vents wide open. Thankfully, it was just a passing storm, and everything worked out but I wouldn't want to try to go through a long cook like that.

