Chipped PCI grate


Karen Elliott

TVWBB Member
I somehow chipped the porcelain on one PCI grate. As long as the grate was well greased all was well but I did a good burn-off and cleaning, didn't regrease and now have rust.

What should I do? I'm thinking I'll remove the rust by electrolysis and then season the chipped places. Any thoughts?

Well, maybe I'm over doing it. Wouldn't be the first time. Now that I know how to do that electrolysis-magic-rust-removal thing I thought I could get down to metal and season.
Karen,the porcelain is bonded to the CI. If you used electrolysis,it might break the bond further,and damage the rest of the porcelain. Do like George said,sand and re-season the spot that rusted. Then treat that area like regular CI grates.
Thanks Phil. These are the ones where the porcelain is OVER the cast iron, not the bonded type. Might still just sand and grease to get more use.
Well I went ahead and removed the rust via electrolysis. The rust came off nicely and as far as the naked eye can tell, there was no negative effect on the porcelain covering the CI. If there are hairline cracks, I guess it'll become apparent in the next months.

