Butcher paper


Scott B (nj)

TVWBB Member
Has anyone else used butcher paper in lieu of foil while smoking?

I've been reading a ton about butcher paper and decided to pick up a roll. I did ribs tonight and the results were excellent.

After about two hours on the smoker, I gave them a very light squirt of apple juice and then wrapped them in bp. After another hour and change, the results were down right amazing.

When I opened the paper I found a juicy tender rack of ribs that were ripe with flavor. My rib run is still suspect, but tenderness wise, they were out of this world!

Has anyone else had success using bp; either for ribs or brisket?
Scott, thanks for posting. Never tried it, myself, but I read somewhere that in the Texas bbq belt butcher paper is (or was) used to hold briskets and such in while resting (instead of foil).

