BRITU using hickory....


Andy Rine

TVWBB Member
I know it's not technically the BRITU recipe if you use hickory in lieu of the specified wod, but I'm in a bind. Will hickory work with this recipe?
If hickory is all you have, since it's stronger, just go with less-- about 3-4 chunks total. Technically not BRITU, but I doubt a lot of people have easy access to white oak, anyway.
I've had problems in the past with ribs and over-smoking with hickory. I'll have to resist the urge to add more. Thanks for the tip.
I fooled with baby backs and BRITU about two years ago (only cook spares now). I have a preference for hickory so I may be biased, but I mixed some hickory and cherry woods with BRITU and they were some of the tastiest back ribs I've cooked to date!

