


New member
Hello everyone going to try my first brisket this weekend now that I have done 10 smokes just wondering what the cooking times are based on ? Want to smoke low and slow.
Allyn, there's a rough estimate out there that estimates 1 to 1.5 hours per pound. But you really can't go by that; rather you need to go by tenderness. The brisket is done when it's tender. Testing for tenderness is done with a probe such a thermometer or fork. If it slides into the 'flat' with no resistance then it's done. Always test the flat as opposed to the 'point' of a brisket as the point will always be done sooner than the flat; the point has more fat in it. Factors such as temperature and weight of meat will influence the cooking time. No 2 briskets cook exactly the same.

Cook time of the brisket is determined by thickness as well as weight so try and find a brisket that has as even a thickness as possible.

When checking for tender on a packer check with your probe at the thickest part of the flat just next to the point. I go horizontal with the probe but I think most people probably go vertically.

1-1.5hrs/lb is the guestimated cooking time when going l&s

