Brisket Grading


Brian M.

I purchased my first ever brisket at Wally World and I notice that there is not any grading on it such as choice or select.

I'm in new landscapes here without ever having done a brisket, but with the information on this site I'm going to plunge in.

I'm just wondering why there is no grading.


Grading of beef is strictly voluntary and is an additional cost taken on by the processor which is passed on to the retailer and thus the consumer. Inspection is mandatory but that's different from grading. There's no real incentive for a company like Walmart to pay the extra money for graded beef. The brisket you bought most likely is select.

You're welcome! And don't worry about the grade of your brisket. Many have produced great finished results from select grades. I'm doing one tonight and it's not graded so I'm assuming it's select as well. There's plenty of fat/marbling in a brisket to make it tender and flavorful.


