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Matt J

So when it comes to beef. What are the largest cuts of beef have all of you smoked before.

I did a 18lb side of beef (boned) back on new years eve of this year. Just brought it up cuz I just happened to finish eating the last bit of it that I had frozen tonight for dinner. Took my 20+ hours to smoke it at 225-250 deg. Normally, I wouldn't over cook it to the point it fell apart but this time I was looking to shred it for sandwiches and to freeze to make smoked beef tacos and to use in a green chili that I like to make. Overall it worked out good. I couldn't tell you exactly what cut it was though. My normal butcher was close over the holidays so I ended up at a hispanic butcher shop in tampa and since I don't speak spanish all that well I didn't understand what I was buying other than it was a very good cut of beef. Large with alot of marbled fat thoughout and a large 2inch thick fat cap on it. Whole think ended up costing me around 60bucks after I had him trim it up for me. Overall I think it was too big a cut. Should have had him trim it in two parts and frozen half of it and only smoked one half at a time. For me anything over 18hours is too long. It's just so hard to devote that much time (dang wife.....likes the spoils but doesn't like all the time I put in to get to that point). What are your thoughts

Oh yes.....roast took up the whole top grate...

I did a chuck roast a couple of weeks ago that turned out absolutely wonderful, thanks to Stogie who posted his results on his Website.

It was roast that I picked up at Sam's Club. Lots of fat. 5.5 lbs. I cooked it for 15 hours on the bottom grate with a 7 lb pork butt on the top rack. The butt came off the grill at 13 hours (190*) at which time I wrapped the chuck in foil with some beef bouillon for the remaining time. Came out just like pulled pork, but with the distinctive flavor of beef.

I like butts, and ribs, but every so often I want some beef, and I'll definitely do this one again.

Thanks, Stogie... Great advice!
Largest thing that I have been able to put on the WSM is a 22 pound chuck roll. Took up the entire top rack, hit 195 in about 21 hours, foiled at 165.
chuck rolls are fun /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif ...biggest I did was over 25 pounds and it took about 27 hours...
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