Best place toTemperature


Maclane Jones

So where's the best place to take a temp reading on the wsm 22 . the top is not the place I changed out the thermometer on the top and now it's 75 to100 off. the stock one was 25to 50 off I'm thinking of putting a plug in there. I installed a thermometer on the side by the rubber grommet. But don't know if that's right place.but thinking it's probably a pretty good place for an ok accurate reading there is the grate but then you need a probe just wondering what you guys think

I have an 18" and measure temperature at the grate with a probe. Each area you mentioned will be different than the grate temperature but temperatures are relative. If you know the lid temperature is 75 degrees lower than grid temperature, plan accordingly. As long as the thermometer is consistent (by adding or subtracting the right number) you can regulate what temperature you are aiming for. I don't know the +/- for the areas you note but someone on this forum has it. It's not mandatory to have a thermometer read exactly the temperature you want to cook (ie probe) just need to understand the the relative temperature of where you are measuring.
I think that the meat is on the grate and I need to temp at grate level. So I installed to silicone grommet on the WSM side and pass through the hole my probe clipping it to the grate level.
This is one of those questions with many answers. Personally I monitor temperature on the top grate (I rarely use the bottom grate anyway). But in my amateur opinion, pick the place that works best and/or makes the most sense to you, then stick with it. If you find that you get the best results when your thermometer (wherever you put it) reads x degrees, then shoot for that reading and be consistent. There are enough other variables to deal with - just find the cooking temperature that works for you, never mind what anyone else swears is the best temperature for ribs/butts/brisket/whatever.

