Been a long time since my last meal cooked over charcoal!


Tim Hanford

TVWBB Member
It has been over 15 years since I last cooked over charcoal. I recently picked up a good condition 18.5 Weber kettle for $20 from Craigslist. Needed a new handle, new hub caps for the wheels and a good cleaning. I fired it up for the first time tonight. I made BBQ chicken thighs and baked beans. Thanks to the great info I read on this site, everything came out great. My wife really enjoyed the meal too.

I started by using my Weber chimney to get the charcoal started and in just under 20 minutes had some nice red hot coals. I let the chimney go a few more minutes after this picture. I couldn't believe how fast and how great the chimney worked!

Once I dumped the hot coals into the kettle, I added some hickory chips that I soaked in water for a few hours. The chicken took about an hour or so to cook, and this picture is when they were about 3/4 done. We had the dog in the back yard with us while the chicken cooked and man it smelled good! I did most of the cook with two of the bottom vents closed completely, one bottom vent open and the top vent open about 1/4 of the way. I cooked them using indirect heat.

Added a small tin of baked beans and opened another bottom vent and the top vent all the way to raise the temp and finish off the chicken. The chicken tasted awesome, can't wait to do it again!

Welcome! I would say welcome back, but once you start going on charcoal again and following this site you'll say "never going back" instead. I did the same this year. Charcoal rules.

For non charcoal cooks I have a stove top grill that takes one whole side of the stove. And that's what convinced me. After 10-years of cooking on a big gas grill, I cooked for the first time on a stove top grill. There was no difference in taste!! That got me back to charcoal. And I did not realize what I've been missing until I did :).
Wow, 15 years without charcoal would seem like a prison sentence for me. Beautiful first cook back Tim!
From the pics, I'd say you've been doing this for 15 years, and not on a 15 year 'vacation' from charcoal. Nice chicken and welcome back to the charcoal world.

Looks like you scored a pretty nice grill for $20 too.
Welcome back to the charcoal side. I used gas grills for many years and I was just to lazy to do the charcoal thing until I picked up a used performer in mint condition for $50 at an estate sale. I really like the gas assist and table it makes charcoal as easy as gas.
Now my garage is full of kingsford and I really did miss out on the great charcoal/smoke flavors for all those years.
You will enjoy cooking with charcoal its the best. Great pics and chicken looks awesome too!
Like you it was a long time for me returning to charcoal (via WSM) Let me tell you I do not know why I waited. Yeah, it is more fiddly and takes more time but the food is a quantum leap over gasser. Even the CFO says it is better. Prime rib roasts, ribs, chicken are all better. Welcome to the "bark" side!! ;)
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Gasser is still useful. I occasionally smoke ribs then finish them on the gasser with the sauce. I prefer mine dry, but daughter likes her\s with hot crispy sauce. Heathen!

