Beef ribs



Went to Costco looking for beef short ribs, but they only sold them flanken style and I wanted a whole rack. I then decided to check a large Mexican supermarket chain near my house. They only had then cut, as well, in the display case, but I was able to make my needs known to the butcher. He pulled out a fresh cryovac package of uncut ribs. Beef is an international language! A 3 rib rack was 3.5lbs. At $4.79/lb.

I rubbed it with mayo and some SYD hot (using Harry Soo's recipe) and put in the fridge while I started to prep the WSM 22". I tried to remove some of the silverskin, but it woudn't come off without really tearing up the meat; so I just made a few slits in them.

I put it on and I'm going to run it at 275. I'll keep you guys posted.
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Gonna be good, but it's going to eat the clock, my guess it will be after 10 there before they're done
Well, I'd like to say it turned out great, but it didn't. The flavor was good, but they were very chewy. I'm not giving up. I used the 321 method. I think a 3-3-1 might have helped.

Look good, I've done them also and they take forever to get tender.
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I just put mine on at 250 or so and cook until they are probe tender. Takes about 6 hours for 4 bone...I get mine at Safeway

