Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloins Fillets ‘n Twice Baked Potatoes


Marty Owens

Seasoned the bacon wrapped pork tenderloin fillets with Twist & Shout Tango spice blend and added a couple twice baked potatoes in cast iron pans and cooked everything indirect around the Vortex.


Just before everything was ready to come off the grill added bacon bits, cheese and green onions to the potatoes…


… then plated those topped with sour cream. Simple, but delicious meal!

Thanks for looking!
Now that's BBQ! Twice cooked tatters and bacon wrapped loins, that's the good stuff. You nailed it Marty
I used to get get those bacon wrapped pork steaks all the time, and loved them. No idea why I stopped!! Haha. You reminded me I need to get them again.

