Attempting a couple of Briskets


Jeff Coil

TVWBB Member
After a few ribs and butts I am going to do a brisket this weekend. I just ran and picked up the briskets rubbed um up and put in fridge.

These are about 5lbs a piece. I should figure around 8 hours correct? I was hoping to get a single bigger cut so I could go over night but at 8 hours just not long enough (up late up early
Jeff, those flats look like they got trimmed of all the fat. Do you have a cooking method in mind? I know you are going low heat, any thoughts of foiling?
Happy smokin'

Jeff, you use the term "brisket" rather loosely!

No, seriously, those are just the flat, and you want to only buy 'em when on sale or when whole briskets aren't available. Regardless though, the only way I ever smoke 'em is high heat and wrapping in foil once some bark has formed or meat is 160 internally. Chris A. has a tutorial here under the cooking topics on how to cook briskets hi heat, but you can do a flat, too.

Good luck with them, and cook til tender, not going by the temp.
Thanks fellas! Asked for a full newb here. Well will try the high temp method! Hope it turns out. I also filled the water bowl, did this prior to reading the topic.... Oh well chalk this one up to a disaster maybe have something to munch on
Ok so here is the run down!

I fired the WSM minion style and added 6 fist sized chunks of hickory and apple. Brought up to about 250 deg and put the Briskets around 9:30AM. I did not bring to room temp.

Then I pull out the IPad and check this forum and figure out I am a total dip thinking I had 2 briskets (thumping my chest) only to find out I have flats and need to quickly move to the suggested high temp cook to salvage this cook. This is around 10:30. Since the high temp method requires no water this is the first order of business. I scramble down to the wsm and pull the grates out suck in the good white smokey essence, wipe the tears out of my eyes grab the now very hot water bowl. I head back up stairs with the this steaming jewel dodge a few looks from my bride and empty and foil the inside. I run back down hoping that the neighbor’s dog did not scamper over and grab the flats from the cookie sheet sitting on the patio. I put the belly back on base fighting the big flames that had erupted and coming off of the wood and coal pit drop in the empty water bowl. And finally the cooker is back in order (oh yea so true I can’t make this $hit up ?)

I opened all vents 100% and she would only get to around 275 and my target more 340ish. So I grab a small dry wall screw and prop up one side of the lid just a little bit. Man this made difference the temp spiked the thermometer so I closed 2 of the bottom vents to about 50%. This was the all she needed and ran at a perfect 325-350 the rest of the cook not mucking with again.
Not knowing what my first hour of the slow water method would do to the overall project. I checked the temp after an hour around 11:30. Note to self drywall screw is freaking hot fell onto my foot! The top flat was at 160 so I decided to spray some Oatmeal Stout on them and foil them up and let them go. At 1:15 or so I checked the temp of the top flat and it was around 200 so I tried the fork test and so much but getting there finally ended up pulling at around 1:45 and the bottom one @ 2. Double wrapped and tossed in a cooler

Bout an hour later we dug in

This is actually the bottom one and was perfect doneness

It was very good the family loved it! Very moist and tender with pretty good smoke flavor. I could have probably tossed another chunk on after I had the cooker rigged for the high temp cook.
Jeff, WOW, you got the magic touch. "Thru tribulation brings success". That briskey looks WONDERFUL!!! I hope mine next Sat looks that good. You learned a lot this cook and the next will be easier, hopefully, but from the description of the meat maybe doesn't need to be better. You have had a successful 1st cook of a meat that has stymied many a BBQ cook. Congrats and keep up the good work.

Happy Smokin'

Thanks Mark....piece of cake (knocking on wood) I chopped the second one and stuck in the freezer, it probably could have went a bit longer it was bigger. But know what it should "feel" like going forward, from the on we ate. Looking forward to the turkey!

