Adding a bone in breast to a cook

So I'm doing my normal ~14 pounder tomorrow at 325-350 as I've done many times in the past. I was told recently (today) that I have to supply the majority of the turkey tomorrow. I'm going to add a ~8 pound breast to the smoker to finish the deal. I want to pull meat at 5 pm. My question is, how does this effect my timeline (e.g. Put the whole on at 2 pm, breast on at 3 pm). The more meat the more time, correct? Also, how much additional fuel should I use?
Assuming you're running a WSM ---- adding the addtional meat won't affect much, if anything.
I did 65 pounds of pork butt once and was quite surprised how little it affected my timeline.
I have a 22.5" WSM and have been using it for about a year. What a great machine. This is good to know. I was just worried that the addition of pounds of meat would add to the amount of charcoal I need to light. I'm also catering to folks that would like to eat at 5:30, rather than, eat when it's done. I understand that poultry is rather easy time wise, but this is my main issue.
Ryan the last 17# i did took me 3:45 minutes for what it's worth. Tomorrow i'am start at two o'clock & hope to be eating at 6:00 giving the Turkey some time to rest too.
You should be fine with that additional breast. Your times sound about right.

I always second guess myself when it comes to the amount of fuel, never wanting to run short, so I sometimes over-estimate. But that's OK, you can always sift and reuse what's not burned. I would use a bit more charcoal than you would otherwise, and allow just a bit more time, not a lot, 30 minutes tops. You'll do great and everyone will enjoy your results!
Did a 20lb bird along with two 8lb breasts today in my 22.5 WSM. Breasts were done in 3 hrs, whole bird was just 30 min longer. Was cold and snowing, so I filled the ring with charcoal - ran about 290 - 300 most of the time.

