About Pepper

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Jim C

I've always used ground black pepper right off the shelf in the little square can.
I never really thought of grindimg my own.
It seemed like too much work and what difference would it make anyways.
Boy was I wrong.
I recently got a pepper mill and some black, green and white peppercorns as a birthday present.
I got home late and I could see some dark clouds and a few lightning flashes in the distance so I quickly fired the WSM and did my favorite.
Chicken Chipotle with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.
I took my new pepper mill and ground some fresh black pepper into my mashed potatoes and then gave another grind onto my buttered corn.
I was so amazed that I actually jumped out of my chair. What a difference fresh gtound pepper makes.
I did some spare ribs this weekend with nothing but fresh ground white peppercorns and sea salt.
I used just one fist sized chunk of hickory and they were so good I was almost in tears.

Here's an article about Pepper.

Now get yourself a cheap coffee mill so you won't get carpal tunnel syndrome when you need a larger quantity (like when mixing rubs).
Why not go whole hog..so to speak....and get the real deal? I have been thru the coffee grinder..very inconsistent grind...and the burr-mill coffee grinder...prone to clogging.

I now use this hand operated wheat grinder. It is mainly used for grinding wheat into flour, but has an infinite array of grind sizes. It uses a burr-mill grinder which allows a very uniform and very fine grind(if you like that).

I paid $78 for it and now use whole spices only.

As you found out, a whole new world!

Hi Stogie,
Now that sounds like a reliable solution. How long have you been using this grinder? Would you mind letting us know where you found it?

One thing about it, if it gets clogged, it should be quite easy to clean!

Hi Rita!

I have had for about 6 months. No clogging yet! You are correct, it comes apart quite easily, so clogging should not be an issue.

Don't be turned off by the plastic parts.....I will track down the reviews I read.....the most important part is the burr grinder mechanism and that is obviously heavy metal.

It is hand operated, but motors can be bought for it. When fine grinding, it does take some time to grind down...it isn't hard, just time consuming. It is defintely the lowest end of these types of grinders...but the others are upwards of several hundred dollars and I didn't want to spend that much.

I will track down all the research I did and post those links for everyone.
OK, that was fairly quick! Hope these help you out! If you type Grain Mills into Google, you will get over 200,000 hits. These were the best ones I read.

This is the best resource that I found...it offers an un-biased review of the more popular brands, plus tells oyu about the various grinding nechanisms. Read all the links as well.

Review of Grinders

General info on the Family Grain Mill

Family Grain Mill

Very good review of the Family Grain Mill

Review of Family Mill

Some more good info and reviews


Finally! This is where I bought mine. Cheapest prices that I had found and shipping was reasonable.

Best prices
If you want to try something that is fantastic try Marion-Kay spices . Fresh ground pepper is good but this is exceptional /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif www.marionkay.com the black pepper is sneazeless too!
Wow, Stogie,
That's going the extra mile! Thanks from me, and I'm sure many others here, for all that great information and for your generosity.

You are a scholar and a gentleman!

Rita --

Let's go easy on that "Gentleman" stuff. Yaknow how he gets..... /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

Wishin' everybody a very nice Thanksgiving! Keep yer bird moist and yer powder dry!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
I am digging that grinder Stogie. Thanks for helping me fluff up my christmas list. Gotten any accesories for it yet?
I think I love pepper enough to mount that to my kitchen table for easy access!
Off to find a bargain basement deal!
My pleasure, Rita, and thanks!

Don't mind Sespe....he's just an ole grump sometimes. Probably wouldn't know a REAL gentleman if he seen one! LOL

Anyway, have a Happy Turkey and we'll see you all next week!
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