3rd times a charm! Brisket



New member
Hello, just thought I would share the 3rd brisket I have attempted on my WSM 18.5. This was a 12lb packer from Costco. I love that they sell these at Costco and they are prime grade!! (Costco started selling pork belly now too which I might have to give a try soon) :)

I cooked this one low and slow 225-250 overnight. Used a 50/50 mix of kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. Wrapped in plastic wrap and let sit for a few hours. When I went to put the brisket on the cooker I almost had a big snafu when the top grate slid past the bracket and almost dumped the meat down to the water pan if it wasn't for my cat like reflexes. I am looking into a mod so this doesn't happen again lol!

At the 12 hr mark the brisket registered 190F and I had to add some coals. This was at about 8am. I was shooting for 203F. After another 2hrs the brisket was at 199F and I decided to probe it. The temp probe went in like warm butter so I decided this was good enough since the coals I added were on their last legs. I then wrapped in tin foil and let rest in a cooler for another 2 hrs.

Once company was over I took it out and removed the point and sliced the flat across the grain. I think everyone was drooling as they were watching me carve it hahaha! I also sliced up the point rather than make burnt ends. Only complaint I had with it was the very end of the flat was a little dry but I don't know if this can be avoided or not.

Great cook, TGangelhoff.

If you foiled and place in the cooker immediately after removing from the WSM, letting it cool down to below cooking temperature first helps.
Good looking brisket. Ditto what Rich said about Bob's method for bacon. No fuss, no muss, no fail.
Great job on that brisket and welcome aboard! It kills me seeing all these briskets from Costco. I went into our Costco a couple of days ago and tracked down one of the meat guys. I asked when we might expect some briskets. He looked at me like I asked for reindeer meat.
That's sure a nice brisket you did real good. Yes do get a port belly and do the bacon, its fantastic and you will never want store bacon again. Again welcome to the forum and have fun cooking.
Great job on that brisket and welcome aboard! It kills me seeing all these briskets from Costco. I went into our Costco a couple of days ago and tracked down one of the meat guys. I asked when we might expect some briskets. He looked at me like I asked for reindeer meat.

What's the deal with Costco? I'm in PA and I get the same look when asking every year when they will start selling the packers. No consistency from region to region.

Also, welcome and nice looking brisket!
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Thanks everyone! I could not have done a cook like this without having such an amazing resource in tvwbb.com! I knew next to nothing about bbq before I found this place :)

