25th Anniversary of The Virtual Weber Bullet website


Chris Allingham

Staff member
June 12 marks the 25th anniversary of The Virtual Weber Bullet website that I started waaaaaay back in 1998. (I started this discussion forum as a companion to the website in 2000.) Always the tortoise and never the hare, I have tried to create at least one new article or video every month since then, sometimes doing a lot more than that in the early days and sometimes missing a month here or there over the years. But I've kept at it and watched the Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker grow from a niche smoker that you had to buy at a specialty barbecue or hardware store...to a niche smoker you can now buy at Lowe's, The Home Depot, and everywhere online. Also, from a time when there were limited online sources of information about the WSM to today where everyone and his brother can be a WSM expert on YouTube and Facebook groups have eclipsed most online discussion forums.

I know there are a few of you out there that have been with me for almost the entire journey, and if you're one of those folks, you must be crazy but I thank you for your dedication! But 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years here on this forum is nothing to sneeze at, and I thank all of you that choose to spend some of your time each day here in our online neck of the woods. It means a lot to me and don't ever think that I take you or this place for granted.

Best regards,


The History of TVWB
Chris, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!

The History of The Virtual Weber Bullet​

I just finished reading your article. Thank you soo much. I found it such a joy to read.

Hope there will be many, many more years to come. :love:
June 12 marks the 25th anniversary of The Virtual Weber Bullet website that I started waaaaaay back in 1998. (I started this discussion forum as a companion to the website in 2000.) Always the tortoise and never the hare, I have tried to create at least one new article or video every month since then, sometimes doing a lot more than that in the early days and sometimes missing a month here or there over the years. But I've kept at it and watched the Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker grow from a niche smoker that you had to buy at a specialty barbecue or hardware store...to a niche smoker you can now buy at Lowe's, The Home Depot, and everywhere online. Also, from a time when there were limited online sources of information about the WSM to today where everyone and his brother can be a WSM expert on YouTube and Facebook groups have eclipsed most online discussion forums.

I know there are a few of you out there that have been with me for almost the entire journey, and if you're one of those folks, you must be crazy but I thank you for your dedication! But 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years here on this forum is nothing to sneeze at, and I thank all of you that choose to spend some of your time each day here in our online neck of the woods. It means a lot to me and don't ever think that I take you or this place for granted.

Best regards,


The History of TVWB
Chris, the fact that this place (TVWB and TVWBB) have been around and THRIVING for this long is a testament to you and your dedication to provide fresh, valuable information to all and maintain a "safe" place for like minded folks to exchange ideas. I remember that I found this Internet haven for BBQ when I was struggling mightily to learn a small stick burner as my first "low/slow" rig. While I didn't have a WSM at the time, the information that I gleaned from your articles, and from being able to "chat" with folks like Jim Minion, Kevin Taylor, Kevin Kruger, and many more allowed me to progress by leaps and bounds from that point. I met my bbq competition teammate (Rocketboy) here, and so many other internet BBQ friends along the way.

I haven't posted in quite some time (lots of life stuff just eating up all of my time), but I still check in here frequently to see what's up.

Thanks for providing this platform for me to learn, and hone my skills in the grilling/bbq craft since 2002. A simple thanks doesn't seem like enough, but I guess it'll have to do!

Here's to 25 more years!

June 12 marks the 25th anniversary of The Virtual Weber Bullet website that I started waaaaaay back in 1998. (I started this discussion forum as a companion to the website in 2000.) Always the tortoise and never the hare, I have tried to create at least one new article or video every month since then, sometimes doing a lot more than that in the early days and sometimes missing a month here or there over the years. But I've kept at it and watched the Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker grow from a niche smoker that you had to buy at a specialty barbecue or hardware store...to a niche smoker you can now buy at Lowe's, The Home Depot, and everywhere online. Also, from a time when there were limited online sources of information about the WSM to today where everyone and his brother can be a WSM expert on YouTube and Facebook groups have eclipsed most online discussion forums.

I know there are a few of you out there that have been with me for almost the entire journey, and if you're one of those folks, you must be crazy but I thank you for your dedication! But 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years here on this forum is nothing to sneeze at, and I thank all of you that choose to spend some of your time each day here in our online neck of the woods. It means a lot to me and don't ever think that I take you or this place for granted.

Best regards,


The History of TVWB
Chris - LOVE this forum & appreciate everything you've done here!
I found TVWB back in 2009 when I received an 18.5 WSM for Fathers Day and didn't know what to do. That website taught me so much and still does. I owe my smoking skills to you, Chris. I honestly can't say Thank You enough.
Congratulations, and thanks! Apparently I've been here since November, 2000. The Virtual Weber Bullet and this forum have provided an immeasurable amount of information, support, entertainment, and just pure joy during that time. I frequently see those "I just got this WSM, what do I do now?" posts, and the answer is always a link to The Virtual Weber Bullet. You should be proud of what you have accomplished.
Thanks for being a gracious host and enforcing the simple rules. I’ve enjoyed my short time here and learn something every day.

Cheers to 25 and a hat tip to your next 25!

Maybe I’ll learn to make some actual bbq soon 😂. Not just eat raw salmon (@ChuckO)
Chris, without this site, I would never have had nine Weber grills in my backyard! Suffice to say, I deeply appreciate your Herculean efforts to make this place a bastion of outdoor cooking knowledge! The inviting way you have has made people feel so welcome. And the generosity of members sharing their thoughts and experiences in restoring and using all of the equipment made by Weber (and some others) is heartwarming!
Many thanks for all you do,
Although I have only been a member 10 years, I lurked a lot longer than that.
All the things I have learned from your articles to input from our very knowledgeable members has been really an amazing journey.
Every morning I get up and get my coffee and jump on the forum to see what new cooks or techniques have popped up.
That was something I really missed in the hospital last week, one no coffee but more important no forum.
Chris, here's wishing you many more years of your excellent guidance of this great forum, sometimes I would think it's like herding cats, but whatever it is you do a great job and thank you.
I've been here 9 of the 25 years, that's over a third. It's a great forum, I learned a ton about the WSM & Kettle when I joined. I'm still learning, inspite of old age and treachery setting in

