1st smoke - while chicken


Danny Mo.

New member
Hey all. Planning on my first smoke this weekend. I think doing a chicken would be a good place to start. Anyone have any good recipes for a whole chicken? I've been told the beer can method isn't needed on the WSM but I'm not sure. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Hey Danny , welcome. A chicken or two is a great way to break in your WSM. The beer can method is an option for sure, but you can also just lay the chicken on the grate or put it in a foil pan. You can spatchcock the bird too and spread eagle it on the grate.
IMO...you want to cook it hot and fast , though....no water pan. I have the 18 WSM and I always cook chicken as hot as I can. It always comes out good. I think your 14 will behave the same , but others may know better. Good luck.
Welcome Danny! You'll love the WSM! Here's some recipes also found on this site...http://tvwbb.com/forumdisplay.php?83-Poultry-Recipes
you may want to run the WSM with just a foiled water pan..no water for chicken so the temps run a little hotter to crisp up the skin. Load the WSM up with charcoal and a 1/2-3/4 chimney full of lit charcoal. Open the vents and watch the temps if needed to throttle down. Or go low n slow around 250 degrees until you reach temp. And then crisp up the skin. You can remove mid section on WSM and put grate above coals on lower level to crisp up for a minute or two. Lots of variations.I always go by temperature not time. Good luck keep us posted.
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