1st attempt at jerky


Ed Rosenberger

TVWBB Member
I sliced a 1.5lb brisket to try to make jerky. Can you slice it too thin(1/8 in or less)? Going to start it on the wsm. any info tips would be great.
Hmmm, if sliced too thin it might become brittle. Inside of being 'chewy', it might just break into small pieces.
Did about 4# jerky (from a bottom round) a couple of weeks ago. Partially froze the roast and using my slcing knife sliced a little over 1/8". No problem with it breaking into pieces. Used skewers and threaded meat on so meat would hang from the grate. Kinda a pain, but makes for some fine jerky. Lay a few pieces on the grate for sampling to test for doneness. Used one layer of unlit Kingsford with about a 5 briq. minion start. Used some hickory and cherry for smoke wood. Kept 22" WSM at about 170º for around seven hours. Did have to reload some charcoal about half way thru the cook. Mighty tasty eating.

Thanks Dan, I started with 12 mostly lit coals and the temp went to 175 at the dome. I did get the temps down between 140 and 160. smell good so far, its almost done!!
This is great news! I've asked here what the lowest temp was anyone's maintained in a WSM, and it seems the conventional wisdom is that you can't hold it that low. I wanted to make jerkey whenever I get a WSM.

I've seen suggestions of using a hot plate with a pan of chips for low temps, but it's nice to think I don't need to do that for jerkey.

(Now, getting down to 90F for cold smoking is another thing.)
Hey John. I smoke cheese on the WSM all the time and have no problem keeping temp below 100º. Just a matter of coal management.

Sorry, The jerky came out great. My 2 older DD's said it was way better than store bought
and the son agreed. The love beef jerky. Can't wait to try it again
. temp control was aok.

