Hawaiian Spiral Basil Beef Dogs


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
after seeing Stu Clary's post in the sausage competition using King's Hawaiian buns & liking his idea,
I knew it was only a matter of days before i'd be eetin' some. It's been years since I've had 'em.
But 1st things first... pour a glass of some Haitian rhum


tossed on a few ears of corn and the frankfurters






after the corn and dogs were done, bacon hit the grates...



the King's Hawaiian buns were cleverly cut the Stu way with cheese, bacon and garden fresh basil under the spiral dogs.
That's a pesto garlic sauce on the corn with more garden beans and patty pan squash with zucchini and sautéed onions


i'll be doing these again... simple yet not elegant
Thanks for stoppin' by!

A Special Thank You to STU CLARY!
I was thinking the same thing Jim. When I saw Stu's post I thought it won't be long till I do that! Nicely executed!
Wow Jim way to dress up those dogs, ill take a few of those please.

Just saw Kings Hawaiian sandwich buns,hamburger buns and hot dog buns at Stater Brothers yesterday,
its about time they made them.

The stu way is Brilliant though.
Jim, I think the "conventional wisdom" would be to use basil with tomato-something and cheese, how were those dogs without the red component? My basil is growing like crazy and I would love more reasons to use it right now!

