Recent content by Andrew T

  1. A

    Temp spike out of no where...

    From my understanding the lid temp would actually be hotter than grate temp since heat rises. Could be wrong though. Yeah I don't blame the ique. I did shut the lid vent a little more than half way and that did help. I'm just looking for solutions on preventing it from happening, not so much...
  2. A

    Bourbon wood chips

    Also could try this:
  3. A

    Temp spike out of no where...

    Alan, The 300-325 was the lid temp. Yes the ique was showing red. I ended up disconnecting the hose from the ique and putting the plastic cover over the opening on the attachment on the wsm to stop any airflow to help bring the temp down... Which ultimately worked. I'm just not sure why it...
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    Temp spike out of no where...

    I have a question for you guys regarding a smoke I did over the weekend. I was cooking a brisket during the night and knew I was going to be getting low on charcoal before I added the ribs I planned on also smoking. While the brisket was wrapped in foil I took off the middle section of my...
  5. A

    When to add wood?

    Thanks for the responses so far. I think I'll try adding the wood after the temp is reached and see how that goes.
  6. A

    When to add wood?

    I've been using my WSM since last fall and have had some great success but I wanted to confirm that I'm using wood correctly. I've been putting a layer of charcoal briquets on the grate and adding 3-5 (depending on size) of wood chunks and then dumping the lit briquets from the chimney on top...

