Your favorite Craycort Inserts?


Laura D

Hello Everyone - I have Craycorts for all my grills, but because they are a bit pricey (but worth it!) I have not bought any of the inserts.

Now that there is a 15% Black Friday sale, I'm thinking about getting at least one. I am carefully considering which one seems like I would get the most use out of it and enjoy it.

Some contenders -

The griddle side for the Smokey Joe

The griddle insert for the 22.5 (not sure what the difference is between the grilled one and the star or the importance of the mirrored insert with the star)

And honestly - I don't really "get" griddles for the grill, but I'd be willing to learn what cooks best on them and excellent recipes. It looks so fun on YouTube videos and I'm sure it would really expand what I cook once I got into it.

Vegetable wok insert (I already have many vegetable baskets so not sure this is worth it)

For the 22.5 I probably won't even look at the pizza stone (seems small, plus the one time I grilled pizza I liked it on the grill), the chickenseat (already have a separate beer can chicken roaster with small pan).

So I'm going to go off into my womanctuary lit by tiki torches, which is where I make all my crucial grill purchasing decisions. Are there inserts any that you guys have that you love and would recommend? Can't live without? Bought and were like, meh?

Let me know - this is important! ;)

Thank you -

Laura D
Like you, I love the grate on my 22.5. Have used the griddle a few times for grilled onions, I think a small 8" CI pan workes better. The chickenseat has to small of a drip pan, much prefer the Weber chicken roester.
Like George, I find that I rarely use the griddle inserts for the 22.5 Craycorts.
Not to get off topic, Laura, but how do you like the Craycorts for your Smokey Joe?
Great, that is helpful, thank you.

I love the Craycorts for my Smokey Joe. I use my SJ a ton and those grates make all the difference. I recommend them.

Since posting on Nov. 11 that I rarely used my Craycort griddle inserts, I've used them twice more. And they are proving to be very handy on certain cooks.
One night I was re-creating a fast-food chain's hamburger and needed a griddle. The other cook, it was halibut steaks, using the griddle and the grates.
I foresee using them far more in the future than I have in the past.
And I am glad I bought them.
Good to know you do like them! Since I wrote this some unexpected bills have come my way, so I need to pay them off before buying any more toys, unfortunately. I know sometimes Craycort has a Father's Day one day sale, maybe I can catch some grates then.

Thanks for letting me know -

I purchased a pair of the griddle inserts a while back and finally got to use them tonight. I got them because I dislike the taste that gets infused into steaks from the smoke of the fat that drips onto the charcoal briquettes. I've been using a lodge square griddle with the ridges, but it's too small. A pair of these is just what I needed, enough real estate to do the 3 or 4 steaks I usually do. I made do with the lodge, searing first, then indirect. I can't describe that taste, I don't get it on my Genesis gasser, but on the charcoal, it's overpowering and just not appetizing. Good luck with your decision.

