Work surface


Allen Fraley

TVWBB Member
Hey everyone.
I'm wondering what would be the best surface material to use for preparing meat..trimming..cutting...rubbing..etc. I'm always concerned about cross contamination. I am careful to keep things clean. Any input on this subject would be appreciated.
Stainless steel tops are nice...but expensive. I've turned to the multi-colored plastic cutting boards; yellow is for chicken, white for beef, green for vegetables, etc. The OXO ones are nice too, but I haven't found them in any color other than white.
Regardless of the color I use the plastic cutting boards. They are easy to clean and the meat juices can not soak in.

A good quality plastic board for me. Easy on the knife edge and easy to clean. For veggies I use a wooden cutting board. I don't have kids around so I keep my water heater at a higher temperature so I can kill any tiny beasties.
Both plastic and wooden boards are fine for use. Contrary to common sense the wooden boards are safer than plastic boards, however if properly cleaned both boards are fine. Just wash the board between using different types of meat. When cutting different types of meats I prefer to disinfect the board with vinegar; it much easier to apply and wipe off as opposed to washing with soapy water and then trying to wash the soapy water off.
I do meat prep a little different. Clean off a spot on the kitchen counter big enough for an unfolded 13 gallon plastic trash bag to fit and use masking tape around the edges to hold it steady. It holds all the meat liquid, injection run off and excess rub in one spot. When done carefully remove the tape, drain any liquid into the sink, fold the bag up and throw into the trash can. Obviously, it won't stand cutting through the meat vertically where the blade could cut the plastic but I rarely do that. If you do have to vertically cut do it half way thru the meat then turn over and complete the cut. Works for me.

