Willow wood

It does not even burn well as fireplace wood. I have never heard of anyone using it as a smokewood. In general, only "HARDWOODS" are used in smoking. Cottonwood, willow, and other water loving trees are not considered hardwood. I am not even certain, that you woiuld not get ill from it. I would not even want to hazard a try.
Originally posted by Alan Rockwood:
Water can be dried out, maybe in a few months or maybe longer, or whatever. How is the smoke itself?

Alan, you seem dead set on trying this. I say, go ahead. The worst that will happen is you will ruin your meat.
I have some willow wood from a tree removed last week, and I am just wondering if anyone has actually tried it for smoker wood.

The link posted by Dave Hutson was helpful. The comment about the bad smell wasn't very encouraging...
I've never tried smoking with it, but have burned enough willow to know that I am not tempted to use it with food.
The bark is smoked in some ceronial pipe mixtures. I've had it that way a few times. Not something I'd think of for food.
Kevin, you dog you!!!

