Will stokerlog work on Ubuntu under wine?


R Michaud

New member
I'm admittedly an ubuntu noob. spent a bit of time yesterday trying to get stokerlog installed using wine with no sucess. If it dosent work thats fine i guess i will have to log on my desktop. I just want to know if its not compatible or if im doin it wrong.
I wonder if it would be possible to tweak it to work under Mono?

Some other .NET applications can be run by using the command "mono StokerLog.exe" but I haven't run the installer under Wine to get that far yet.

Obviously if you've got a license for Windows you can install a Virtual Machine HyperVisor like VirtualBox and run StokerLog from there.
Umm ya... dual boot it is! My wife would like windows on the notebook for some work stuff anyway. I have decided that Ubuntu is awesome till you ask it to pretend its windows.

