what's the maximum input voltage for the heatermeter 4.2.4?


Johannes S

TVWBB Member
topic says it all :)
i normally use a 3s 5.000mAh lipo but that can be a bit too little capacity for a 16h+ run. so i would make it 3s2p 12v 10.000mAh or i could go 6s 5000mAh if the input may be 24v.
Maximum theoretical voltage is 36V, however I've only tested to 20V. The blower is your main concern. When it turns on, it will get a 24V burst for a short time then HeaterMeter will attempt to ramp the voltage down to the appropriate level, as low as 5V. It might not be able to step it all the way down to 5V though because it isn't designed to scale that much. It should be safe to try I think though, and it would certainly work without the blower.
only the brave survive. so i connected the 25v lipo to the heatermeter. booted w/o issues. the fan survived it so far as well, but it's pulsing the speed. what i did: i set fan to "manual" and upped the fan speed in 5% increments. at 5% the fan did a full speed boost and went nearly off immediately after, followed by a full speed boost. and so on. this became better the higher the percentage was. at 100% surging was off and it ran smoothly.
so i will stay at 12v and double capacity to be on the save side.
You've got the fan set to "voltage" mode in the config right? You could replace the 25V 47uF capacitor by the blower output to 50V 100uF or maybe higher uF (220uF or 470uF?) and get a better response out of it.
yes. it's voltage mode. i heard it is to be prefered. and the fan starts at 5% output and adjusts speed just fine.

