Weber pizza top for the 22.5" charcoal grills


Geir Widar

TVWBB Wizard
I finally got my hand on this. Been waiting for it for months. A bit pricey, 290 USD.

Looks like this, closed


And open. The "old" Weber pizza stone is smaller, and can not be used on this unit. Furthermore, no pizza plate was found, so thankfully I had a couple from my other cooks. Sprinkling the stone with flour does not cut it, I think.


I followed the instructions, and dumped 60 (max100) coals in the grill. Fifteen minutes later, my infrared read "HI", which means that the temp was at least 750 degrees F. The plastic bushings on the lid holder melted. The kit should include some sort of metal bushings. On to the food, italian style pizza.


After two minutes, turning 180 degrees after one minute, and some salad added.


Actually, Italians use a lot of Norwegian herrings and anchovies to get that unami taste in their sauces. It's almost a norm to add a small fish to real italian tomato sauces to get that hint of fish taste. :)
Really love the looks of that Top! Nice to se it performs aswell...But the price...Ohh my! Great looking Pizza´s Geir!

