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Dan Bond

TVWBB Member
What do you guys know about walnut wood in a smoker? I have found nothing about using this wood anywhere.
I haven't used walnut myself, but I've heard of people doing so. It is my understanding that it is a pretty strongly flavored wood.

I pursued the same question about black walnut (not English Walnut) some time back because I have several black walnut trees on my property. Mostly, I got positive responses on several forums. Several opinions had reservations about it being too strong.

Most of the hardwoods can be quite strong if too much is used. Those that use mostly fruit trees may think that hickory is too strong, or only should be used on certain meats. I think its like everthing else in this BBQ world-its a matter of personal taste.

I think you should experiment with the amount of smoke as well as the type of smoke. Let us know what your results are.
I would think that the main reason people don't use walnut is because it's so damn expensive. At least in my part of the country it is. I can't imagine burning it in a smoker.

I think you are right about that. Most folks are aghast when you talk about burning walnut. However, the trees do have small limbs in addition to useable logs, and if you have some of your own trees or live in an area (like Tennessee) where they are common, you can get can get your hands on some without buying it. They are common here, particularly in line fences. The saw mills hate thes trees because they frequently have nails-tough on sawmill blades.
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