venison roast and baby back ribs

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Dan Bond

TVWBB Member
Smoked a venison roast and ribs. The roast was pulled after 3 hours and the ribs smoked for another hour. I used The Dizzy Pigs,Dizzy Dust for both. Internal temp of the roast was 160* Here is a picture of the final product. The ribs did get a final bath of Sweet Babyrays before I pulled them.

Omg, its 12.30 am and i?m just getting ready for a 400 miles drive (yeah, sometimes work sucks...) and now that ! I AM HUNGRY NOW ! Do you know what you just did to me ?

Whatever, at least tell us how it was. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

Don Marco
The ribs were ok, but the venison roast was the best I have eaten, ever. The deer roast was the first I have ever smoked and it was tender. This deer was taken in Il. and was around corn fields when shot and the taste was perfect. The Dizzy Pig rub added just enough kick.

My hunting club is on a doe management program, and I take 6 or more does per year. I would be interested in the specifics of how you smoked the roast. I assume it was a ham. I haven't had such a good experience - problem with the meat drying out. I've resorted to dutch oven cooking very slow and low with potatoes onions etc added. Great for a one pot meal. I would like to know things like method of firing up, pit temp. internal temp of meat and any other tips you might have.


I'd actually be pretty interested as well. I've got a number of friends that have deer and were asking me about smoking it. I always assumed that venison was to lean and would dry far to fast to cook at such a low temp.

I'd like to hear the details /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Hi Paul - It was a 2.5 lb roast and I started in the morning and rubbed down the roast using Dizzy Dust coarse. I started up a charcoal chimney and laid it down and put one more unlit chimney on top of that. I assembled the smoker with a full brinkmen pan of cool water. I opened the down wind vent 100% and watched the dome temp go up to about 200* and I then closed the vent and the WSM settled in at 228* at the dome. That took about an hour to get to this point. I then set the mavrick 73 food temp at 160* which is well done for big game meats. The roast went on and after about 2 hours later the temp hung around the 150* for the internal. I also had the front and down wind vent at almost 50% open. This is when I kicked the front vent to 100% and drove the smoker temp to about 280* I still had to worry about the ribs drying out and about 3 hours I pulled the roast at 158* wrapped it with foil and a dish towel and put it in a mini cooler and cooked the ribs for another hour and the wife had the ribs with the little one and I ate half the roast. I finished up the roast at work today and passed it around to my fellow workers and they liked it which is a good sign. I heated it up in a microwave with plenty of juices left over in the bottom of the bowl so I know the meat was juicy. I almost forgot, I used 4 cherry chunks and one hickory. I put that on the same time as the meat.
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