using oven cleaner

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George Curtis

TVWBB Olympian
i think i mentioned it before but needs to be resaid. if cleaning off hard baked on crusty stuff, ya need to use name brand cleaner. the dollar store stuff is ok for lighter stuff but yer just wasting yer time and $$$ on the cheaper cleaner otherwise. i wasted three days with some bad stuff on my wsm using the cheaper cleaner. the name brand stuff took it off overnight.
any in particular? Or just whatever is available out the local store/target? I need to clean my 3 coal grills (and I guess my gasser as well). Easiest laziest method preferred. I've never cleaned my WSM since I bought it in 2004.
I have been working on a cast iron skillet today with the cheap stuff with varing degree of success. I bought at yard sale and was really crusty. Finally had to sand down to get smooth bottom. Any ideas how to make this go faster.
Try Dawn Power Disolver. Have used it for 3-4 years and I think it's great stuff. I last used it on a weber kettle after a "smoke". Sprayed it on the entire inside, left it alone for 15-20 minutes, then used the power washer to rinse. Spent the next five minutes or so cleaning up the few spots that remained with steel wool. Try it, you'll like it. Got my last batch at Walmart. Kroger no longer carries it according to one local manager.
easy off heavy duty works well on the hard crust. you still need to scrape at it with a plastic scraper. almost anything will work on the soft stuff.
CAUTION! Oven cleaner will dull the finish on painted surfaces. Dulled the frame of my Performer when some over-spray got on it.
ALSO! Cast iron should not be cleaned with oven cleaner or any kind of chemical cleaner. Cast iron is porous and will retain any chemical that is used to clean it with.
yeah what he said ^^^^ using anything other than water on cast iron to clean it is like converting a weber kettle to gas! DONT DO IT!
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