Trying New Things



I am starting a long weekend of a few things I have not done before so I feel pretty good but I also have a few questions. First, what is the time differential between a picnic and a butt. I know its done when done, but is it typically longer or shorter. I picked up two smaller 9 lb butts and a 10lb picnic, trimmed them and have them on now. I am guessing they are all about 8lbs, and one butt with the picnic is on the top while the other butt is on the bottom. The picnic and lower butt is rubbed in my normal rub while I used a sample of Tasty Licks on the other butt. I will get some pics up shortly or in the morning but I just figured I would ask about a possible time difference.

Edit: I am running no water for the first time but cooking at my normal 260ish to see if with the cold there will be no need for a hot squat.
Hey Kev. Picnic and Butt are essentially the same cut of meat. The heavier cut will take a little longer. People usually count on 1 - 1.5 hour per lb, depending on the temp you cook at. Put the larger cut on the top rack where it's hotter. I think you'll love the waterless method. BTW, what's a hot squat?
Hey Gary. Thanks for the reply. I was just wondering with the bone running through it. As we all know each cook is different and the smallest butt took the longest. They are hangin out in the cooler until I get around to making the finishing sauce and pulling. Here is the hot squat info. I seem to have to do it on all my longer cooks. My guess is because I cook at a higher temp than most it eats up my fuel.
Sounds dangerous. Seriously, I've never had to do that, even on a long cook. Try perfecting your minion method. Or just use the smoker door to stir/add coals. But if it works for you, power to ya'! Glad the butts came out well. Mmmmmm... I can smell the smoke coming over from Cherry Hill
Well I found out that I don't like picnics or I would just rather cook butts. Better yield and to me just better over all. On to tomorrow and another new cook.

Gary, I agree that its somewhat crazy but since I have had to do it every long cook i have figured out a good way to do it. Maybe when I have the time to go with a longer cook I will drop the temp and see how long I can go. Go NJ!!

