Trouble connecting, I messed up


Harold Foster

New member
I just got finished with my first HeaterMeter. Thanks so much to everyone here that has contributed. I connected to it and checked everything out and things were looking great. I decided to change it from dynamic address to a static address. I set the address and realized I had another device on my network with the same IP address. I turned the other device off and then tried to connect with the new address, figuring no big deal, I would just change the address. When starting up it gives me the address I assigned to it, but I can't connect. I can't ping it either. I tried reflashing the SD card, but that did not help. Any suggestions?
If you are talking about the WiFi connection and you have a rPi B then you can connect with a LAN cable and fix your WiFI IP problem. Or you could re-image your SD Card again and boot up with the NO RESTORE option so it wont restore the backup config from the HM. See details about the norestore option in the HM Wiki or search the forum for more info.
I seem to have to pass out that info quite a bit... It would be nice if there was an easier hardware option, like if you hold the button down while you power up the HM it will boot with no restore....

