to trim or not to trim

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David Prince

mainly talking butts, picnics, briskets

have never not trimmed but am thinking of experimenting

true that their will be less bark, is that the only drawback?

reading thru bbq usa i read where some of the pro brisket cookers do not trim before cooking

just interested in opinions and thanks
I always trimmed, trying to get the most edible bark, but the last butt I cooked went on untrimmed. It turned out some of the best pulled pork I've smoked.

I'm about to put on another this afternoon, untrimmed. If it turns out as good as the last, my butt trimming days may be over.

Experiment. It's the only way to judge for yourself. Nothing to lose, because you'll still have lots to eat, either way.
Doug, i have always trimmed as well and all my butts have been good ..a recent dry picnic got me thinking about this

no doubt im going to try this real soon BamaBob..let us know the untrimmed results/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I never trim JMO. It's just my way. I'm not saying it's right or wrong it's just what i do.It works for me. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
I have never trimmed a brisket or butt and never have had a problem. I do remove some of the fat, of course, prior to serving.
Well, one advantage of trimming is that you might knock half a pound of inedible stuff off a six-pound butt, and that's got to speed up your cooking time.

That being said, I think I over-trimmed my last cook and it was a little dry. Next time I'll leave it alone and see what happens.
for quyite a while I didn't trim and for the least 6 months (the last 16-20 buttts or so) forward (to a 1/4 in or so). There is enough fat in a butt to keep it moist and the fat cap seems to extend the cook several hours. Since its all fat I am discarding much of it and I still get a decent bark i cant see why not to trim. But like a previaous poster that dosent make it right or wrong just my opinion. When I dont trim it seems a bit more greasy as opposed to moist.
I normally trim butts before I cook them, however the last time I did not. After it was done the fat just slid off the butt... along with several ounces of rub. The rub won't penetrate the fat very well.

I'll be trimming from now on. I would recommend if you choose to leave the fat on, that you at least score it well.
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