Time Setting?



New member
I have to reset my time to browser time (and then, only from a computer...can't do it from iOS Safari?) every time I boot. None of the settings seem to hold. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Do you have "Enable NTP client" on? This should be setting the date on the system when it boots.

I do...with the correct Timezone setting. I can't remember the offset, but it seems to be putting me around 5-6 hours off, IIRC. I suppose I can put in an incorrect timezone to force the correct time.
Does your Heatermeter actually have connectivity to the Internet? There are tests in the web interface to make sure it can reach the Internet. I believe they are under the Network tab, under Diagnostics.
Does your Heatermeter actually have connectivity to the Internet? There are tests in the web interface to make sure it can reach the Internet. I believe they are under the Network tab, under Diagnostics.

yep -- i access it remotely (outside my LAN) all the time.
Sorry - that was the only thing I could think of. I'm sure someone w/more experience will jump on here and offer more help.
Steve_M has been a great help to me and my questions.
If the date is correct but the time is off by X amount of hours, then it would appear that the timezone is not set correctly.

If you can SSH into the HM, you can check your timezone with "cat /etc/TZ" and "cat /etc/config/system"

root@HM424:~# cat /etc/TZ
root@HM424:~# cat /etc/config/system

config system
	option hostname 'HM424'
	option conloglevel '8'
	option cronloglevel '8'
	option zonename 'America/Toronto'
	option timezone 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'

config timeserver 'ntp'
	list server '0.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'
	list server '1.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'
	list server '2.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'
	list server '3.openwrt.pool.ntp.org'
My question would be if your system time is off by a few hours every time you reboot it, or if it is set to January 1970 every time you boot it. If it is the former, it is likely a time zone mismatch somewhere, if the latter then it means your HeaterMeter can't get _out_ to the internet properly.

I highly advocate not changing the time zone on your HeaterMeter at all, leave it UTC. All the data that HeaterMeter collects is stored in UTC and then converted to the browser's time zone when the data is actually displayed. Adding a third variable into the equation only confuses me.

The other question I have is you say "None of the settings seem to hold". Are you referring to only the time setting, or EVERY SETTING. Because "none" in this case can mean a lot of different degrees of nothingness and if truly no settings are sticking, then you've probably got a problem with your SD card.
I also keyed in on the "none of the settings seem to hold" comment... If that is the case, meaning other changes in the HM config do not persist after reboot, then I would suspect there is a problem writing to the SD Card. You might reseat the card, and/or reflash the card... try another card if you have one handy. Is this a rPi A/B or A/B+ with the micro SD? I seemed to have more problems with the micro SD cards....
I also keyed in on the "none of the settings seem to hold" comment... If that is the case, meaning other changes in the HM config do not persist after reboot, then I would suspect there is a problem writing to the SD Card. You might reseat the card, and/or reflash the card... try another card if you have one handy. Is this a rPi A/B or A/B+ with the micro SD? I seemed to have more problems with the micro SD cards....

Sorry, everything else stays true... Just time that I have a problem with. :(
Still having this problem... It seems to reset the date to Jan 3, 2016 around 10am each time I boot.

The "Sync with browser" button is the only thing that seems to correct it...but that's only until the next boot. Have a 14# butt on now: http://smokin.dawgbytes.com if anyone wants to follow along and offer me pointers!

Thanks gang!
Yeah here's a question, if you go to LinkMeter -> AVR Firmware and select the radio button for "From online repository" does the list of HeaterMeter firmwares populate? That will test both internet connectivity and DNS resolution. Clearly you have the former, but I am wondering if the DNS lookups for the NTP servers are failing and this would test something analogous that.

