Third annual Daylight saving time BBQ


Bill Pearson

TVWBB Super Fan
I'm not much for posting picture of my work but you can follow my progress at
enjoy the journey
I've got burgers on the gasser for lunch right now.

Tomorrow afternoon, we're entertaining for lunch, and I'll fire up the gasser again (burgers and brats). Then, it's NY strip for dinner on my OTP w/ dizzy pig red eye rub, and a little black cherry smokewood.
Even though I had DST on my side, I didn't eat until after dark. But, the Dizzy Pig Red Eye, combined w/ black cherry smoke was amazing. I highly recommend the combination. For you winos, a Shiraz would have been perfection with this, but I didn't have one on hand. The Zin did OK though. Here's my DST bone in, NY strip:

Rubbed and Ready:

Time for a rest:

