Thinking of creating a stoker app - need help


N Delo

TVWBB Member
I've never had a reason to learn iOS programming, but not being able to find a quality iPhone/iPad stoker app, I'm thinking of trying my hand at this.

Up to this point I've done some .Net programming and a lot of system's automation via various shell scripting languages.

That being said, can anyone point me in the right direction as to where I can find API documentation or anything else needed to understand how to set or fetch data from the Stoker?

I looked at Kayat's web site, but it appears a little scant on documentation (maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?)

Any help would be much appreciated.
You've hit the jackpot with Kaytat's site, past that you'll just have to get your hands dirty and figure it out. I started stoker-web before I found the kaytat site. I used fiddler to watch the http data and watched stokerlog communicate with the stoker with tcpdump.

HTTP to get and set the configuration and telnet to get the live temp data. There is no clear cut API for communicating with it.
Thanks Gary. This should get me started. Guess I'll play around with it in Windows for a bit before I tackle trying to learn iOS.

I saw some of the telnet examples on the Kayat site and just figured it was outdated documentation.

