Thermometer Help


russell swift

TVWBB Super Fan
I'm 9 hours into a pork butt smoke and left my Polder probe at home. I was able to find a candy thermometer with a 12" stem. Does anyone know of a way to accurately measure without removing the lid? I was thinking of dropping it down through the vent at the top and piercing the meat.

Isn't the rule of thumb with pork butts 1.5 hours per pound? Holding steady at 225F with lump. 6.5 lb butt

I don't know if you can pierce the meat with the Candy Thermometer or not. The one I have though doesn't start measuring until 300 degrees so that might be an issue.

Usually I plan on 2 hours per pound plus two hours for my butts, although all butts are different. I think if I were in your shoes, I might cook it another couple of hours, wrap it, and then throw it back on, shut all the vents down, and wait a couple more hours. I'm pretty sure you'll be OK then. Pork Butt is not bad to dry out, and is very forgiving, so if you have had the temp right for 9 hours, all that is needed is to get through the plateau (around 170-175 degrees) and finish it off.

I would not worry about taking the lid off to check the temp with the candy thermometer if it will work. Thirty or so seconds isn't going to make that much difference heat wise.

You're on a great track here, and you are hours away from some great Q.

Good luck with it!!!

