Target Temp for Slicing Brisket


Doug KC

At what temp would be ideal for slicing a brisket? I like to take mine to about 200-203 for doneness so they are always tender. Thanks.

They slice best when they are cool.

For serving, I never measure brisket temps. I take off the brisket when it's tender, and slice after it has rested for about a half hour tented on the counter.

I would guess that the temps drop to about 160 by that time....jmo.
i get great success when i cook my brisket to about 195-198 int temp. then i slice it stil warm after the hour rest or so. i like a little chew to my brisket. my wife likes it shreddable so i then cook it to a temp of around 210. i understand the thing of cooking till soft. afraid it would be to soft at that point but i will do that my next cook.
I don't temp I just go until tender then pull and rest. I like mine shreded also. I gues that is over cooked but it sure taste good.
Yep, Brisket is not done at a set internal temp. It's done when tender. Probe goes in like it's going into room temp butter. Wrap in foil, if you didn't do so at 160º-165º and let rest for 30 min to an hr in a cooler or... Slice it up and enjoy.

