Stupid snow....


Ashley Ruthstrom

TVWBB Member
Made breakfast this morning on the grill around 10am. Around 7pm I measured 11" in front yard and it was still falling. Don't think I'll be cooking dinner on the grill tonight.


That's crazy... I'm in So.Cal and weather was perfect all day... Just wait it will get better.
W-e-el-l-l-l, you did get breakfast made in time. And breakfast looks good 'n tasty. Keep the faith, spring is on the way.
Now that's a killer breakfast! My wife would love the sausage. I'm more of a bacon guy myself and a few sliced onions in those taters would have been real good. Maybe a couple of sunny side up eggs too. But that's just me. :)

I like the Weber sautee pan. Would be good for vegetables too. We got about 5 inches of snow here which was too much for me! St Louis got hammered pretty good.
I think many Aussies living in the bush lately would certainly swap you as they have been fighting bush fires that have lasted over a week and many lives and livestock have been lost.

Its only 32c today just a nice sunny day where I live on the coast.

Never tried breakfast on the grill before, looks tasty, will have to give it a shot one day. I feel your pain though, my grill looked like that yesterday and about a week ago the roads were dry here. So much for an early spring!

