Stuff'd Pork Loin


Brian Dahl

TVWBB Gold Member
Hi gang! Cindy made corn bread earlier last week, which she then made into stuffing. We just like eatin' stuffing. There was still some left over: what to stuff? How about a loin from Lucky? & we're off. Loin opened up, peppered, and slathered with garlic

A nice layer of the stuffing

rolled, tied, oiled and dusted with pig salt and bone dust

We are down to the last of the Peruvian Purple potatoes - here they are with some soon to intimate with friends

indirect on round red with some chunks of oak. 3/4 chimney of KB, a blend of new and used briquettes

taters on, gettin' happy with the onion and pepper

loin sliced

and served

I found the Shiner at our local grocery, first time I've ever seen it in Oregon. I've had it before when I've visited Texas - just as tasty as I remember. Thanks for stopping by and have a quick week.
Nice job Brian, gotta love stuffing eps. Cornbread. Good looking meal and the nasturtiums are a nice touch.
Loin stuffed. I need to do that again, and just might try your cook.......looks great......................c
Excellent and professional cook Brian....I would like to be able to stuff a loin like that some day. What is your impression of the New Belgium? I have been eyeing that beer in the store, but still staying with the harvest ales.
Man, that looks good!
Very romantic colorful plate:).
Beautiful food Brian.
Romantic... I like that!
Brian, a Great lookin' cook!
Everything from the purple taters to the sliced pork loin... FANTASTIC!
Love the salad as well!
I think Mildo says it best! ROMANTIC!! cool.

How do you like the new New Belgium Accumulation brew? Seen it, haven't bought it (yet).

