Steaming Pastrami


Shaun H

I've found various approaches to smoking pastrami. Some end after smoking it, and others include a final steaming.

In particular, I have this recipe in mind:

It reads:

On day 12, smoke over maple chunks for 4 hours at 250. After 4 hours, completely foil the brisket and return to smoker (or oven) to cook for another 5 hours. At this point the smoke meat will be fantastic, but not 100% tender. Resist eating it now. Let come to room temperature and refrigerate overnight.

On day 13, gently steam the brisket for 3 hours just prior to service. Odds are that you won't have a steamer big enough- I improvised by putting water in a foil turkey roasting pan, throwing a baking rack on top and then covering it with a second pan.

My question for those experienced with pastrami is this:

1) What is the benefit to this step from your experience?
Well, today was the first time I ever tried steaming my Pastrami and I must say it is so tender and it melts in the mouth. Best batch I think I have ever made. Here is a link to the thread I had on it

